I saw this on Ashley's blog and had to share it....just another story How God breaks through our ordinary days with His amazing love..... Jesus Loves You! chels Ok, so I just wanted to give a quick little testimony as to what God spoke to me today, a few of you have already heard, but read it anyways because there’s something I want us to try to do.. Today, i was walking around to class with my Ipod in listening to this song that simply says “oh how he loves us” and as I walked into my religious studies class, I noticed that someone had written “Jesus Loves You” in big letters on the chalk board. Now ofcourse in this class, we talk about all religions, and Jesus is definitly not the focal point. I didn’t even know who had written it, and it was most likely written as a joke… So I sat down, still listening to those words in my Ipod, “Oh how He loves Us”, and then my professor walks in. Most of the class wasn’t paying attention, they were talking and focusing on other things, but I watched as my professor took the eraser and began to erase those three words that we’ve seen some many times… “Jesus Loves You” In that moment I saw that no one was even looking or even cared, and God literally humbled my heart then and there in that classroom. He began to speak to me, and I felt completely broken before God… they didn’t get it! JESUS LOVES YOU, yet they all didn’t even seem to care. But then I noticed that as he erased those words, I could still see this chalked blur on the board, and even though it may have been smeered, I still knew what had been written there… and it was like God came down and sat right beside and began to say “no matter how much they try to ignore it, push it out of their minds, and say its not true, I’m always going to Love them, I’m always going to Love you. ” There’s not an eraser powerful enough in existence to erase the love He has for us. God has really laid this on my heart now for a good while… there are a lot of us who are struggling with acceptance, confidence, motivation, myself included. Lately I’ve been tearing myself apart about what people think and how I come across to people. It’s been a battle that I’ve been losing and it’s taken me seeing several other people going through the same struggle to realize just how much satan is tearing God’s people down with these lies. I’m tired of seeing God’s children struggle, and I’m tired of trying to please this world. We try so hard to make people love us but we’re not looking at the board in front of us… Jesus Loves You. Oh how He loves us, why should you try to be someone you’re not to get people to love you when there is a God who loves you for exactly who you are?! Why should you let the pressures and opinions of others stop you from doing what God wants you to do?! Why? Because we’ve taken those three simple words for granted over the years. It’s time to put the eraser away. It’s time to step into a love that will cause us to transform in so many ways, and I promise you, I PROMISE YOU… you will never be the same! So heres what Daniel Mallard came to me with, we want to see as many people as possible change their status to “Jesus Loves You”, to the point where its all over the place! There are a lot of people out there who are searching for something, and you never know what God can speak to someone in just those three simple words. There are too many people who don’t feel like anybody loves them, but a simple status change can open their eyes to the God of unfailing Love. So anytime after you read this, change your status, and if you want, change it continually throughout the day so it will show up on th eupdates and on peoples newsfeeds. If we all do it, it will be everywhere! It’d be great to keep it up throughout the week! God bless ya’ll Jesus Loves You John 3:16 -Zach |
Amongst the Trees
5 years ago
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