This morning I was talking to a man who has truly blessed my life. He has incredible wisdom and is able to open my eyes to Gods ways in areas I have never even thought through.
I've been off a little bit lately. I don't know if I would describe it as struggling. For these last couple of weeks since India I have felt spiritually stuck. I know what I believe and my commitment and desire for God and spreading His message haven't changed. I still am in love with my Savior and have my quiet time...I just don't feel like I'm getting deeper. I want so badly to grow in my relationship with Jesus and know Him in a more intimate way every moment...that hasn't been happening lately.
I've tried reading more, thinking more...honestly, I've gotten really frustrated.
I was talking to my mentor today. He was talking about how everyone hits a ''spiritual ceiling". When you first become a Christian you hit ''walls'' all the time, but don't really know because you aren't as in tune with God and His message. Christian leaders and followers that have matured feel a burden when they hit the ''ceiling''.
This is exactly how I've felt. I felt guilty almost for not growing constantly deeper in love with my God.
Then my mentor brought out the fact that I overlooked in this situation.
"God does EVERYTHING in His own timing"
I know this to be true...just for some reason this time I thought it was on ME to fix it. I wasn't growing in MY relationship with God. So, it must be MY job to fix that.
Thank God, He Saves!!
God's going to grow me in His own time. I will be sitting, listening, waiting, hoping and praying....and worshiping my God...and HE will grow me.
Amongst the Trees
5 years ago
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