Friday, April 3, 2009

with an abandoned heart...

Ok, Today has been amazing. Completely amazing. This isn't because of events really. I mean, I woke up, did some last minute homework and went to class. I came home and went to lunch with mom. I hung out with my family and now I'm home. Just an ordinary day....but my God worked in it!! =) I feel like I'm on a high. I know people at ACC were looking at me funny for smiling so much and actin all bouncy!
Ok, in case you are reading from somewhere other than Mebane, NC today is absolutely beautiful. The sky is blue and the clouds are ...ok, i know i sound funny describing the clouds. So, I was smiling already driving to school. The Stand played on my CD.
"with arms high and heart awe of the one who made it all"
I really started thinking about what it means to abandon my heart...there are so many things that my heart is tied to. I even have schedules that I hold 'close to my heart' i could say. I have Kenya support and deadlines, I have Eastern University things to remember...I have so many people that are so dear to me. And I need to abandon my heart for my King. ...? Its still a mystery to me. But I tried today. I tried to hold all the things I love so much to my God and see how He blesses and reveals...
Ok, so, I got to school a little before class so I sat outside for a minute and flopped open my Bible to psalms. Psalm 11:15 showed up. "...granting me the joy of your presence..."!!
Those words are so far out of my reach, I can't help but running them through my head over and over and smiling.
My God graces me with His presence daily...
The next question for me is why can't I tune in?
I stopped by the church today ...(honestly I just needed a bathroom stop...yeah, it was a God thing).
I stopped by Cathy's Office. Ok, I LOVE HER! She is one of the people that can ask me how my semester is going and not stop this vibe (i don't know how to explain it) until I spill my guts about life, God, family, junk and anything on my heart.
We got to talking about how God is in every minute ..and how we compartmentalize and try to put Him in certain days or hours of the day. I want to be so tuned into God and His presence that I can break those compartments and today can be every day. I don't want to miss one of one of those 'God moments' that He has planned to pursue me. Cathy and I talked about how schedules and deadlines and competition and religion compete with God (and joy,love,grace,mercy) for attention...
If we are so in tuned to Gods presence then we can view schedules, deadlines, etc to be used as a tool to further HIS kingdom...and His glory! and His love! AMEN!!!!!!

with an abandoned heart,

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About Me

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Me? Um, my passion is my Savior. I love serving, laughing, hanging out with family and friends and being outside! I tend to talk to loud, embarrass myself a good bit and think a little outside the norm. I love to travel. I would live anywhere in the world if you let me...