Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Love or the Idea

I hate that I even have to ask this question.
Are we in love with something, someone, some cause...
Or are we in love with the idea of being in love?

This can relate to anything. It can't be limited to love.

Is our generation sold out for ending poverty one human at a time?
Or do we like the idea of doing something?

Is the second wrong?
Obviously the first would be preferred...

Just saying...
Just asking....

are we an idea driven generation...
or are we willing to put our hearts on the line for a project, emotion, people group?

1 comment:

  1. The one thing I think more than anything else about this generation is that we are a narcissistic generation. We are so obsessed with leaving behind a mark that we cling to any "social fad" with the attempt to "make a difference." When that doesn't work, we bail and go on to the new cause. Darfur is still warring. The whales still need saving. Yada yada yada. Poverty does need ending... but it's too daunting of a task and requires too much self sacrifice. Simple living is the new trend... but if we cycle through our small selection of uber-trendy clothes fast enough, we still won't have any money. Besides, all that money we save on not buying a huge house can buy a shitton of Pabst Blue Ribbon.

    But I'm just an old, burnt out cynic. Prove me wrong.



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Me? Um, my passion is my Savior. I love serving, laughing, hanging out with family and friends and being outside! I tend to talk to loud, embarrass myself a good bit and think a little outside the norm. I love to travel. I would live anywhere in the world if you let me...